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Top Causes of Demagnetization of Permanent Magnets

Several factors can cause a permanent magnet to lose some or all its magnetic field, an occurrence of which can have adverse effects on your application. Learn how a permanent magnet can become demagnetized, how demagnetization works, and what physical conditions to preserve or avoid in order to maintain the desired magnetization in your permanent…

Why You Should Use a Magnet Plating or Coating for Your Application

In previous blogs, we have shared how to choose a magnet material and how to choose a magnet grade. The next step is determining whether to apply a coating to your magnet. Some applications require a conformal coating or metallic plating on the magnet for trouble-free operation. A coating or plating offers protection along with…

Magnetic Component Design: Magnet Feature Optimization for Manufacturability Improvements

Designers and engineers that need to incorporate a magnet into their application are not often aware of the mechanical characteristics of magnetic alloys. Features that are commonly specified and produced on materials such as mild steel, stainless steel, aluminum, or brass can be very difficult to produce on a magnet or incorporated into magnet assemblies…