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Permanent Magnet Classifications and Customizations

There are several different magnet types, which vary depending on their makeup and magnetization, including temporary magnets and permanent magnets. What is a Permanent Magnet? Permanent magnets are “always on,” unlike temporary magnets. Permanent magnets are comprised of alloys of different materials, which influence the final characteristics of the magnet. The strength of the magnet…

Benefits of Coordinate Measuring Machines for Magnets

When creating custom magnets or magnetic assemblies, ensuring the final measurements properly align with the CAD model is imperative. At Dura Magnetics, we employ a coordinate measuring machine (CMM) during our quality inspection process. The CMM provides efficient, accurate, and consistent measurements of multidimensional shapes to ensure our customers receive conforming product every time. A…

Essential Advice for Choosing the Best Magnet Vendor

So the right type of magnet has been designed or selected for your application and now you’ve begun the task of finding a company that can supply the part, right? Well, it’s not always that easy as magnets are unlike other commodities and, in fact, they should not be treated as commodities at all. At…